In reality, the male penis comes in all shapes and sizes. Penis size and shape are a worry for many people, particularly when it comes to sexual compatibility.
However, no single size is right for everyone and there are important factors for compatibility other than just penis size.
For many sexual partners, sexual compatibility is a crucial factor. However, studies suggest that penis size is not the most important factor for sexual satisfaction.
For instance, a woman with a narrow vagina may not prefer a partner with a large penis. In couples who have anal sex, large size may also be an impediment. People should discuss their sexual needs, communicating openly about how to meet those needs regardless of either partner’s size or shape.
Size is in the eye of the beholder. People’s preferences for genital size vary depending on their own sexual needs, the type of sex they are having, cultural norms, and numerous other factors.
Penis size does have an effect on sexual pleasure. It’s not just about the size though. It’s how you use what you’ve got that does!
Penis size may sometimes affect certain factors, including:
Sexual comfort: If a penis is too large for the partner, penetration may be painful, particularly without adequate lubrication. If there are significant size disparities, anal intercourse may be extremely painful or even impossible.
Sexual pleasure: The length and girth of a person’s penis may affect their ability to stimulate their partner. For example, a person with a short but wide penis may be able to provide significant stimulation of areas just inside of a partner’s anus or vagina, but be unable to reach deeper regions.
Sexual anxiety and perceptions: Actual size is not the only factor that matters. Each partner’s perception of how large or small a penis should be may affect their enjoyment of the experience. For example, a person may feel anxious about a perceived small penis, even if their penis is average in size.
A lot of men are judged by their penis size, believing that a small penis can’t do the “work”. This makes a lot of them feel inadequate.
While incompatibilities do happen, penis size is rarely the most significant factor in sexual pleasure. When partners communicate openly and listen to each another’s sexual needs, they can usually overcome incompatibilities.
There are various strategies that can help partners better manage genital size and shape incompatibilities.
Open, honest communication is very important. A person who feels anxious about their penis size may find that their partner is actually very satisfied. Alternatively, they may learn that their partner cares more about other types of stimulation such as oral sex or clitoral orgasms.
Some other tips to try include:
using more lubrication if sex feels uncomfortable
spending more time on foreplay
using pillows to elevate the partner’s pelvis slightly, which may help if the penis is small or narrow because it allows deeper penetration and more stimulation
experimenting with different sexual positions
offering additional stimulation — for example, males with male partners may use their hands to stimulate their partner’s penis, while those who have sex with females can offer clitoral stimulation
incorporating oral sex into the session, which may provide more pleasurable stimulation.
So, free your mind from all the myths about penis size and concentrate on what works for you.
Happy holiday.