To achieve much you have to believe in yourself
You see there is little you can achieve if you don’t believe you can achieve much. What you believe has a way of coming true. If you believe that the Nigerian that you believe you can’t make it in Nigeria, then you won’t! You see, your mind is a magnet. It attracts to you what you keep thinking about all day.
Now let’s try to do some analysis. It may be true that the Nigerian Economy is not very ok but it is not true that you cannot make it in Nigeria; it is not true that your parents must be rich and well connected for you to make it. A staunch belief in yourself and your talent is the mark of a winner and it is the beginning of breakthroughs and achievements in life.
You have always believed that you cannot make it and you have not
Over the years you’ve believed that you cannot make it and you have not. Why not try this positive option and see if it works? It won’t cost you anything, just a staunch belief that you can make it here in Nigeria. We all need someone to believe in us sometimes and I have offered to be the one that will believe in you so please don’t disappoint me. You can make it here in Nigeria, in spite of our many problems
If you can only believe in yourself, you will astound yourself
If most graduates can transfer the kind of believe they have in degrees to themselves their lives will astound themselves. Most graduates went through thick and thin to get their degrees because they believed with a degree the sky is the limit. The truth is with a staunch belief in yourself and in your talents the sky is the starting point. You need to know that you are a solution to the problems of Nigeria. Solve our problems and charge us, we will pay you well, as in very well. Don’t be limited by what you studied in school. What matters is that you are solving our problems in your area of passion. List out the problems, investigate how to get them solved, and then create a business solving the identified problems.
If you can believe in yourself, you will amaze you’re your world
Ambros Somide of the AIT fame read Engineering in school, today he is in the talk show business, he is a very successful media personality. Dele Momodu studied Yoruba in the university, he is to a media mogul, the publisher of the world famous Ovation magazine. You can be better. You can stand out in life, if you can just believe in yourself. You will amaze your world and yourself. Patrick Doyle has only his SSCE and went to make a success of his life. His secrets, a staunch believe in himself. Even if you have a masters degree or PhD, and you don’t believe in yourselves it is a WASTE! This is the reason, a lot of people with all they had are wasting. Do yourself and your nation a favour: believe in yourself!
I have seen people without degrees become successful, I have seen those with all the degrees mess up. The differentiating factor is a strong unshakeable believe in themselves. If you don’t believe in yourself, nobody can help you, if you can just believe in yourself, no one can stop you. Why not become unstoppable just by believing in yourself. I believe in you, I believe you can succeed, I believe you will make. I am charging you to now believe in yourself and go and do what seem impossible before now. You will succeed!
Yemi Adetayo, a success strategist and leadership expert. He can be reached at: