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At that point in time my inner Mind told me that the Soul/Spirit of Man merely resides in the body, or put in another way, the body is merely the garment, the shell, the building, the box or whatever enclosure or encasement that accommodates the Soul/Spirit.

During the course of my trip I saw the wonderful things that Matawalle has done in the state over the last one year since he came to power and how he has restored peace in most parts of the state and brought hope, joy, strength, confidence and prosperity to the people.

I just read a Facebook post by one of my friends, a Kenyan born US-based evangelist. It is a video clip of a church service where Pastor Enoch Adeboye was shown to be combing his hair to demonstrate what God was going to do for the congregation. The lady was so offended that after posting the said video, she followed up immediately with a teaching on the false prophets.

I have explained beforehand my inclination to quote the Bible and I need not repeat the sine-qua-non with the little space I am devoting to this weekly column given the time handicap of the readers. If the readers are ready, I can make this series a daily affair.

Mallam Ismaila Isa Funtua (1942-2020), who died in Abuja on July 20 at the age of 78, evokes different emotions in different people. To many, he was just a friend and ally of President Muhammadu Buhari, while others would simply tag him as a member of the Aso Rock cabal, consisting of himself, late Mallam Abba Kyari, Chief of Staff to the President and Mallam Mamman Daura.

What the devil has attempted to do, is to create the pattern of communion in this situation. How? Communion involves that which is solid, and that which is liquid. The bread is solid, the wine is liquid. That’s what this vaccine project is all about.

A key concept in this elegant yet very intriguing brand of politics is the notion of primus inter pares, which underpins the entire parliamentary system of government wherein the British Prime Minister is the primus inter pares – first amongst other ministers who are seen as equals.

From personality clashes to sordid tales of mismanagement of funds, contractors that collect mobilization fees and simply take a walk, politicians in the National Assembly feeding fat on Niger Delta resources, and reports of terrifying wasteful expenditure and the conversion of every event or situation:

Nothing can exist or function without Him. Narrowing this down to ourselves, He brought us into existence and has his master plans for our life. He is willing and capable of bringing to pass all his purposes for our lives.