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The contentious clause is Article 8(1), which provides inter alia that “the borrower hereby irrevocably waives any immunity on the grounds of sovereign or otherwise for itself or its property in connection with any arbitration proceedings pursuant to Article 8(5) thereof with the enforcement of any arbitral award pursuant thereto, except for the military assets and diplomatic assets.”

The video sent to me showed Irukera on Sunrise Daily, Channels Television’s flagship public affairs programme, sticking a pin into my balloon of optimism that PAYG was implementable in pay television and should replace the fixed monthly subscription billing model. Asked for his view on applicability, the FCCPC boss said many pay television subscribers confuse telecommunications industry operations with those of the pay-television industry.

Now, our interest here is not in the legal processes that brought about the conviction, but on the words of insistence from this dying man. You don’t gloss over the words of a dying man. They are usually from the depths of the person’s soul

1. The composition of our total output seems to suggest a diversified and well-balanced economy. The size of our economy in 2019 was N146 Trillion (about US$448 billion). Oil and gas accounted for only 10 percent and non-oil contributed 90 percent. If we further disaggregate the non-oil output, agriculture had a share of 20 percent, industry-21 percent; and Services-49 percent. On the face of it, this looks like a well-diversified economy.

In 2018, when Captain Idahosa Wells Okunbo celebrated his 60th birthday in the ancient city of Benin, the event attracted all strata of the society including the ordinary people whose lives he had directly or indirectly touched positively as an individual. The event which was ordinarily to celebrate and appreciate God for sparing his life to that symbolic age of 60, turned out to be like the unveiling of a humanist and God’s special gift to man.

Nigeria till date – July 25, 2020, has officially registered about 39,977 cases with 856 COVID-19 related deaths since the first case was registered in the country in February 2020. This is a good report when compared to reports from other much developed countries in Europe and USA. The USA for instance has recorded over 4.34 million cases with 149,552 deaths as of July 25, since their first case was recorded in January 2020.

As the number one Labour leader, Adams would huff and puff, mobilizing us, the Labour and civil society for one strike and protest or the other. With his oratory, he would make the necessary noise for sound bites. We would go out to mobilize to shut down the country. We didn’t know he was playing to the gallery and this is where aunty Remi comes in.