On June 2, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Power Africa Nigeria Power Sector Program, USAID Integrated Health Program, and the Government of Nigeria’s Rural Electrification Agency launched a call-to-action to provide more primary healthcare centers (PHCs) with clean, reliable, and sustainable power in Nigeria.
Speaking on behalf of USAID, the Director of the Office of Health Population Nutrition Paul McDermott said, “We view this as an opportunity for partners and stakeholders in both the energy and health sectors to make commitments, and work collectively to ensure that fully functional primary healthcare centers can be accessed by all Nigerians.”
The USAID-funded Sustainable Energy For All 2022 Powering Healthcare Roadmap estimates that around 40 percent of Nigeria’s primary healthcare centers lack access to electricity. By providing access to a stable power supply, PHCs can provide essential services to patients, such as those receiving maternal and newborn care at time of delivery, cold storage for vaccinations, running medical equipment, and delivering services after dark.
The call-to-action outlines activities that power and healthcare sector stakeholders can implement to accelerate PHC electrification, and challenges stakeholders to achieve clean electrification solutions for 1,000 PHCs by 2023 and a total of 10,000 PHCs by 2030.
The Head of the Nigeria Electrification Project Program Management Unit at the Rural Electrification Agency Anita Otubu said, “We are looking to bridge the energy access gaps in primary healthcare centers across the country and we call on everyone to take immediate action on the call-to-action.”
USAID’s Power Africa Nigeria Power Sector Program, in collaboration with the Rural Electrification Agency, is supporting programs in 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory, which aim to sustainably electrify over 700 PHCs by the end of 2023. USAID will continue to support power and healthcare sector stakeholders to expand electricity access to PHCs across Nigeria.