Concerned about the negative image the arrest of two Arik Air cabin crew members at London Heathrow has brought to Nigeria and the frightening security implications of same, I brought a motion to the floor of the House of Representatives calling for an investigation on May 23, 2013.
Unfortunately, my colleagues felt otherwise and the motion was not entertained.
Of the two crew members, Olubunmi Daramola was arrested with 6kg of cocaine with a street value of N180 million concealed in her hand luggage. The second, Delita Abibimgbi, was arrested for being in possession of 60 packets of cigarette, also in her hand luggage.
While I abide totally with the democratic decision of the House, I still feel personally concerned that such an incident could happen.
Here therefore, are my personal thoughts on the matter and it is my wish that the Nigerian public sees more in the incident than just the fact of the arrest of the crew members.
First there is the need and urgently too, in my opinion, to condemn the action of the crew members and reassure both the United Kingdom authorities and the wider international aviation community that Nigeria will render every support and co-operation in the course of their investigation into the incident. I consider this expedient in the face of the ease with which the western press labels an entire third world country with the negative acts of even one of its citizens; and proceed to criminalize the entire population accordingly.
Next, we have numerous security and related aviation officials saddled with the screening and clearance of all passengers, crew and luggages at our airports. We have also invested significantly in the acquisition and deployment of modern screening equipment. So how did the two girls beat all security screening to board the flight? What protocol does the airline operators have in place to ensure that their staff members do not bring banned items and substances into their airplanes? How much background checks and profiling are undertaken in the recruitment and deployment of staff? Are there collaborators, paid from our commonwealth, but criminally circumventing the screening and flight clearance process in our airports, who are they and how do we stop them to ensure the integrity of the system?
If it was so easy for a young cabin crew to ferry 6kg of cocaine in a handbag into the plane and over to London, how difficult then is it to take guns, bombs (IEDs), etc into the same and other planes in the face of our deteriorated security situation and what’s the implication to a beleaguered nation?
In a terror-stricken era such as we live in, I am deeply concerned that the incident portends mortal danger to our collective physical and psychological wellbeing as a nation; especially as our airport security remains predominantly based on access control and checkpoint screening. In other climes, there is a predominant reliance on intelligence gathering/sharing, passenger profiling and staff background checks. This way those who are considered threats to civil aviation are put on a “watch list” or “no fly lists”. This adds a qualitative impetus to airport security systems.
Our case is also compounded by very porous perimeter fences around our airports that allow people with no business in the airports easy access to them, including miscreants and possibly anti-progress elements.
I do also hope that public pressure would be brought to bear on the relevant aviation authorities to do all that is necessary to ensure that incidences as this do not repeat or better still make it impossible for them to occur. Until then, my mind shudders at the wider negative security implications of this slip!
Like Nigerians are wont to say, God forbid!
*Okorie is a member of the House of Representatives for Ohaozara/Onicha/Ivo Federal Constituency, Ebonyi State.
UK arrest of Arik Air crew for drug trafficking: Matters arising, by Linus Okorie
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