Browsing: Japa

The initial wave of Nigerian emigrants primarily sought economic empowerment and improved living standards for themselves and their families. However, in recent times, increasing insecurity within Nigeria has become a significant reason for people to leave. The growing levels of violence and instability have driven individuals to seek refuge in countries where the safety of lives and property is more guaranteed.

The first of wave of ‘japa’ (Nigerian slang for emigration) in Nigeria was in the ‘70s/’80s. Faced with an uncertain future owing to military interregnums and a volatile economy, the Nigerian young journeyed to the West – the US and UK – while some left on a limb to Ukraine. Over the years more Nigerians have departed the country in pursuit of their dreams abroad. Some of these Diaspora Nigerians have distinguished themselves in different human enterprises. And they constitute a financial bulwark for the country, reportedly remitting about $25 billion annually.