Browsing: Ayinla Omowura

“Ayinla Omowura: Life and Times of an Apala Legend,” written by Festus Adedayo, is one of the most authoritative texts on the life of the Apala crooner whose posthumous profile I recently published. In my research, I came across this important and timely book, which is a necessary read for those interested in traditional Yoruba music and a snapshot of the post-colonial working class of Abeokuta. Read my review here. Dr, Adedayo, lawyer and veteran journalist, kindly responded to a few of my questions in the most exhaustive manner, in excess of what I needed for my piece. So here my full interview with him, a rare treat for lovers of Yoruba music:

On Boxing Day, at my insistence,Tunde Kelani, TK, immediately went into “self-isolation” to catch his breathe, catch up with sleep and recover from the mixed bag of the good and the ugly of experiences whilst filming. Stress and satisfaction found common ground on this his most challenging of works. Filming in the midst of a global pandemic cannot be anything but a challenge of monstrous proportions.

New Year’s Eve party in the leafy suburb of Borehamwood in hidden Hertsmere. I sat lazily on the sofa with a cup of warm bohea. Saheed Osupa, Alariwo of Afrika and Ayinla Omowura, a peerless hero of blessed memory, got me wriggling like a cut snake on the leather sofa. Many of us have driven from our little neck of the wood