South African President, Cyril Ramaphosa’s address at a Summit on gender violence on Thursday, was interrupted by a panty protest as female audience members held up underwear emblazoned with anti-rape slogans.
Some of the women’s underwear was splattered with fake blood and many of the panties sported phrases such as “stop rape’’ and “survivor.’’
The summit, organised by the government, aims to address gender-based violence which is rampant in South Africa and was prompted by a #TotalShutdown march in August when women took to the streets were fed up with reports of murder and rape.
Ramaphosa said: “We are gathered here as South African women and men to respond to a crisis that is tearing our society apart.
“It is a crisis that affects every community in our country and that touches the lives of most families in one way or another, adding that “Gender-based violence is an affront to our shared humanity.’’
Ramaphosa gave a number of shocking figures, including that femicide that has risen by 11 per cent over the past two years.
Twitter user Martha Puth posted this image with the caption, “#TotalShutDown March against gender based violence”.
He also noted that according to some statistics “138 per 100,000 women were raped in 2017, which is the highest rate in the world”.
The president said boys and men needed to be taught about sexism and equality.
He said that similarly the courts and police needed to be better equipped to deal with women reporting abuse.
Summit: Female protesters in South Africa disrupt president’address
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