Retired Directors of the National Intelligence Agency and other retired staff have dissociated themselves from an online publication alleging nepotism, favouritism and acts of incompetence against the NIA Director General, Ahmed Rufai.
In a statement signed on behalf of retired the Directors, A. O. Onyekachukwu posited that they are not aware of any group by name: “NIA Veterans Association,” which Pointblank News claimed sent a petition against the NIA DG to the National Security Adviser, Major General Babagana Monguno.
The statement reads in full: “The attention of Retired Directors of National Intelligence Agency and other Retired Staff has been drawn to the above named petition claimed to have been written by a group of retired directors and senior officers of the Agency under the aegis of ‘NIA Veterans Associatio’ to the National Security Adviser. The petition, published on the online edition of Pointblank News of 20th May 2021 made allegations of nepotisms in appointments, favouritism and acts of incompetence against the Director General.
“The Retired Directors and Officers of the Agency hereby state that Retirees are not aware of any group called ‘NIA Veterans Association’, that exist among them;
“The publication did not emanate from Retirees of the Service;
“Retired Officers have formal channel of communication with the management even in retirement and as much as possible do not interfere in the running of the Agency;
“Retirees have harmonious relationship with the Service.
“Retired Directors and other Retired Staff of the Agency see the publication as being done in bad faith and dissociate bonafide Retirees from the publication.
“No serious minded officer serving or retired of an intelligence service will allow issues related to the service be published in a news media except the action is aimed at bringing the Agency into ridicule for selfish reasons.
“Those involved in such acts should be aware that they are breaching the OFFICIAL SECRETS ACT and liable to prosecution.
“Retirees have implicit confidence in the Director General of the Agency and strongly feel that the Service should not be distracted from carrying out its duties especially now that the country is faced with major national security issues.