Guided by the vision of enriching people’s lives, Nissan Nigeria set out to give a “fun day at the movies” experience to the children of Motherless Babies Home and Vigilant Heart Orphanage.
Both of these charitable homes render exemplary service towards providing care for orphans and abandoned and underprivileged children in Lagos.
Around 70 children from the charitable causes were taken along with their care givers to watch Dr. Dolittle and their enthusiasm was electric.
The children were also made to watch short movies on road safety norms.
This is one of the many activities that Nissan Nigeria-Stallion Group commit to carry out this year to inculcate safe driving culture in the young minds.
The event was hosted in association with Silver Bird Theatre. Kiki Osinbajo, owner of the fashion power house Glam D Africa, and Seyi the popular TV Personality of Big Brother Naija fame, came out to cheer and support the children.
Amit Sharma, Head of Sale for Nissan in Nigeria, added that the brand seeks to contribute to sustainable social development and carries out social contribution activities as a corporate citizen focusing on education, environmental awareness and humanitarian relief.