The Namibian Agriculture Ministry has banned movement and trading of live birds in Namibia following an outbreak of the New Castle disease in July this year.
The agriculture ministry confirmed that the contagious bird disease that is transmissible to humans, has been spreading in three regions – Oshana, Ohangwena and Oshikoto – in the north of the country.
According to the ministry, this is not the first time New Castle disease is being reported in Namibia, the magnitude of the current outbreak has not been seen in the country for a long time.
It said: “In light of this, movement and trading of live birds, chickens, ducks, ostriches, guinea fowls, caged birds, pigeons and doves has been banned with immediate effect.”
Also banned with immediate effect is the movement of uncooked eggs and feathers from neighbouring countries that border the northern regions of Namibia.
The ministry said to enforce the ban, road blocks will be erected on the roads leading to and from the affected regions.
In addition, farmers in the affected regions have been urged to visit their nearest state veterinary office for New Castle disease vaccines.
It added that commercial poultry farmers should have sound vaccination programmes and bio-security in place, ostrich farmers were advised not to do so without consulting veterinary offices.
It also said: “The public is hereby advised not to consume poultry that died from this disease or any other disease.
“They should report such incidences to the nearest state veterinary offices.”
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