A jealous woman has bitten off the ear of her rival at the Badore area of Lagos State over a man.
Ironically, the two women, identified as Kemi and Iyabo, were fighting over one Adeyomi, who is not married to either of them.
Eyewitnesses said that Iyabo sighted Adeyomi with Kemi and had simply gone wild.
She had challenged Adeyomi and Kemi.
Unperturbed, Kemi told Iyabo to go to hell.
Another eyewitness, Tajudeen, said that Kemi mocked Iyabo, asking her if she was the wife of the guy in question.
According to Tajudeen, immediately Kemi asked that brutal question, Iyabo held her blouse and all efforts by their lover, Adeyomi, to appease her proved abortive.
Apparently angry that he could not reason with Iyabo, Adeyomi asked Iyabo if she was his wife.
He further asked her why she was monitoring his life and affairs.
Adeyomi even warned Iyabo not to come close to him again because he was in love with Kemi.
Iyabo was said to have become enraged and pushed Kemi inside a gutter.
Iyabo pounced on Kemi and bit off her ear.
Iyabo’s relations later pleaded with Kemi and wanted to take her to a private hospital but she declined.
Iyabo’s family members also hurled insults at Adeyomi, accusing of him generating the problem.