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Nikyu, who also led the Flamingoes at the last championship in Costa Rica, where Nigeria reached the quarterfinals, admitted that the players’s fitness is not yet at the level he desires, but added that everything is being put in place to make sure that the team improves tremendously before the end of this month

“Yesterday (Friday), we were actually worried about our defence, but they came out and played very, very well against a good Danish team. I think these guys have to be applauded coming out like that, and getting those two goals. It wasn’t an easy game but I am happy we are in the semi finals

While the likes of Mesut Ozil and Alexis Sanchez have certainly added another dimension to this squad in recent windows, and indeed continue to do so, the two key areas that are crying out for more depth – central defence and up front – continue to be overlooked by Arsene Wenger

Despite a dominant performance in possession, City looked to be on course for a draw after Jermain Defoe had cancelled out Sergio Aguero’s early opener, but Paddy McNair’s 87th minute own goal ensured that the former Barcelona and Bayern Munich boss got off to a winning start

The Nigerian side however expressed their rejection of the rescheduling decision, saying playing the game on Saturday would be “unfair”.
Enyimba said they weren’t consulted about the date change and only knew about it upon arriving in Cairo on Thursday night

Leicester’s Demarai Gray had the opening shot of the season when his deflected effort looped onto the roof of the net, but it was the hosts who were the first to really threaten when Curtis Davies got on the end of a Robert Snodgrass corner before glancing his header narrowly wide of the far post