Remember the ‘Rainmaker’ Majek Fashek? Some said Nature had a way of honoring his ‘wishes’, as almost every time he sang his chartbuster track ‘Send Down the Rain’, it actually rained; so his fans named him ‘Rainmaker’
Well, how about a politician acquiring that uncanny ability too, to attract not just rain, but – wait for it – flood!
And it’s all in his name!
Honorable Kayode Adejare Omiyale, the chairman of the Yaba Local Council Development Area of Lagos State is seeking a second term as the number one citizen of that council.
He was actually awarded the Outstanding Chairman of the Year in 2020 by the LG newspaper.
It’s unclear, however, what fate is throwing his way this time – or telling the residents of the council.
‘Omiyale’ in Yoruba literally means ‘Water (or flood as the case may be) has found its way home’. Now look at that attached photograph properly, and you would agree no less that ‘water/flood’ has indeed found its way home!
Hon Omiyale is campaigning for a second term, and his name is attracting what it is literally destined to attract: so much flood waters that even his campaign poster and the signboard that holds it are all but swept away!
What is in a name? Think again.