Regardless of who’s heading the government, when they’ve been doing it for so long and fail to get it right, they must be replaced. The public knows that and President Goodluck Jonathan is feeling the replacement coming already. President Jonathan seems to have lost touch with the ground rules of democracy and has become a danger to the country. He would be voted out come March 28, 2015 because Nigeria needs to heal.
Out of panic mood, the President embarks on a last-minute blitz ahead of the upcoming election. He visited several places and consulted with many more people within these six weeks of postponement than he earlier did before. All in an effort to garner more votes for his re-election bid. He has been to churches and has requested for prayers from pastors. He has visited mosques and has asked for intervention from the “Alfas and Imams”. He has been to the shrine, has consulted with the oracles and has sacrificed to the gods. He has paid courtesy visits to various “Obas”, requested for the supports of “Emirs” and has persuaded “Igwes”. Even with all that, he is not yet relieved of his panic mood. The truth is President Jonathan has entered the decisive few days of his re-election campaign bid, but he does not have this election in his pocket still.
It cannot be over emphasized that the people want change and cannot give room for further incompetence and lack of care of his administration.
The wisdom of the people recognizes that it’s intolerable for one man to be in power cluelessly, not knowing what to do, how to do it and who to do it.
The wisdom of the crowd recognizes that it’s inexcusable to have one man at the helm of affairs leading a very wealthy nation and breeding a very wretched people.
The wisdom of the masses recognizes that it`s intolerable to have one man leading the largest and biggest economy in Africa, yet majority of his citizens live on less than two dollars per day.
The wisdom of both young and old recognizes that it`s intolerable to have a President who is afraid of taking responsibilities and blames everybody for his negligence, incompetence and failures.
It no longer makes any difference and sense what his opinions or policies are right now. He already had his fair chance and didn’t capitalize on it. The mere fact of heading the government for four years and yet causes stagnation, corruption, inaction and the triumph of evil over good is enough reason to proceed on voting him out in the upcoming election.
After all, what distinguishes democracy from dictatorship? It is the possibility of change! In democracy it is normal for leaders to be replaced, thereby permitting new ideas, new programs, and new concepts to come to power.
President Jonathan’s panic mood has also taken the form of making many more promises to numerous groups, organizations – both private and public sectors. But we are not stupid, that we would believe his empty promises and his lying speeches that stand in stark contrast to his socioeconomic philosophy.
The President is so nervous and scared of defeat to the point that the Card Reader introduced by the Independent National Electoral Commission gives him nightmare that he could not hide is feeling about it.
Now, in the home stretch, everyone scents the fear radiating from President Jonathan, the loss of self-confidence and the visible panic mood he displays in all his actions. President Jonathan scents defeat. He’s nervous. This is the beauty of democracy.
God Bless Nigeria.
Ogundana Michael Rotimi tweets at: @MickeySunny.