Browsing: Nigeria Police Force

A total of 45 sophisticated firearms and ammunition, have also been recovered from suspects, including 1-GPMG, 1-LAR rifle, 17-AK47-rifles, two pump action rifles, 20 locally fabricated firearms, three single barrel guns, 9,899 live ammunition of different calibres, and 80 fake vehicle number plates.

It was gathered that a stolen phone led to the altercation on Saturday, May 29, and it quickly escalated into a physical fight as a woman who was at the beach for the celebration of her friend’s birthday was manhandled by a security man at the beach.

Andrew Kumapayi, the state  Sector Commander, Federal Road Safety Corps, who confirmed the incident to the News Agency of Nigeria in Awka on Wednesday,  said the accident occurred at  7.30.a.m.