Browsing: Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu

Stating this on Thursday, while receiving members of the House of Representatives Committee on Tertiary Education and Services, on behalf of the State Governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, the Deputy Governor, Dr. Obafemi Hamzat, noted that the various challenges can be given solutions through quality education.

While the respected politician’s friends have been celebrating him for his unique leadership and unquestionable influence on the polity, others who apparently nurse some form of grouse or the other outdo one another on the social media, especially Twitter, to say, write or post something capable of at least putting a chink in his armor.

Speaking during the 12th Bola Ahmed Tinubu Colloquium held in Kano State on Monday to mark the 69th birthday of the ex-Governor of Lagos, Sanwo-Olu, who joined the event virtually from Abuja airport, applauded Tinubu’s stance on true federalism, noting that the APC National Leader had remained unshaken in his commitment to peaceful coexistence among ethnic nationalities making up the country.

Sanwo-Olu in a statement signed by his Chief Press Secretary, Gboyega Akosile on Sunday, described Asiwaju Tinubu as a visionary leader and a rare mentor with exceptional abilities in various areas of human endeavours, adding that the National Leader of the APC is political pathfinder, nationalist and detribalised Nigerian, who has contributed in no small measure to the socio-political and economic growth of Lagos State and Nigeria as a whole. 

Governor Sanwo-Olu in a congratulatory message on Saturday by his Chief Press Secretary, Gboyega Akosile, said Governor Ugwuanyi, who clocks 57 today, has displayed pragmatic leadership with selflessness and dedication by rendering quality service to the people of Enugu State and Nigeria at large.

There was applause on Wednesday as Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu broke the news at the Mobolaji Johnson Arena, Onikan on Lagos Island where eminent citizens and ordinary folks gathered to bid the foremost politician a final farewell.