Browsing: Worship

A statement signed by its National Coordinator, Ibrahim Muhammed, and made available to News Agency of Nigeria in Kaduna, said the gesture would allow more Muslims discharge their religious obligation

The current government, under President Muhammadu Buhari, has the opportunity to provide such leadership by being at the forefront of the quest for change. Guided by the indicators of good governance in a well-structured state, and propelled by a true unifying national vision, Mr. President and his team must summon the courage to make hard choices, especially the choice to restructure and the choice to embrace the necessary self-sacrifice that precedes economic recovery

In a statement released at the announcement of Pastor Adeboye’s stepping aside as the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Nigeria, Abubakar praised the religious leader’s influence on multitudes of Nigerians over the past four decades in his former position