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The statement by Eze reads: “The fracas over the representation of the former National Executive of the Peoples Democratic Party of Alhaji Bamanga Tukur, today at the Ikeja Division of the Lagos High court is testimonial of the confusion that consumed the party under Alhaji Bamanga Tukur

The former vice president, who is currently in China leading a private economic trade mission at the invitation of the Chinese government, declared the police invasion of the party’s office has no justification in law, but was rather borne out of political control

The meeting, which had in attendance governors loyal to Jonathan, some governors elected on the platform of the PDP but who are now with the Baraje-led faction and some members of the National Executive Committee of the party under the leadership of Alhaji Bamanga Tukur, was said to have been tense because of the positions taken by Babangida and Obasanjo

The APC described the sealing up of the new PDP secretariat as a throwback to the nation’s darkest era, saying it also confirms the fears being expressed by the opposition that the President Goodluck Jonathan Administration, which is now being hoisted by its own petard, will become increasingly intolerant and repressive with the approach of the 2015 general election

Also on Friday, the Chief of Army Staff, Lt-Gen. Azubuike Ihejirika, made a historic and morale-boosting visit to Borno State to inspect troops’ deployment to the new 7 Division of the Nigerian Army, which was recently created to maintain security in the North-eastern flank of the country threatened by Boko Haram insurgency