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The Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Adewunmi Adesina, while commending the positive steps the Niger State Government has taken to transform the agricultural sector of its economy, assured Aliyu that the Federal Government will continually support the state’s agricultural sector

According to Srivastava, who was represented by the Chief Sales Officer, Inusa Bello, Airtel believes that scaling up capacity building for the sector would infuse confidence, especially in the youth, and motivate them to embrace entrepreneurship as one sure way of confronting the problem of unemployment in the country as well as eradicating poverty in the region

The apex bank also said that the 91-day treasury bills were worth N20.16 billion at 11. 84 per cent yield, as against the 11.97 per cent yield at the previous auction on June 26

The visit, which will include a meeting with China’s President Xi Jinping, will have Elumelu and other business leaders, including Folorunso Alakija, Femi Otedola and Oba Otudeko, representing Nigeria’s business interests, thus emphasising President Jonathan’s commitment to leveraging the private sector to drive both development and trade and investment links between China and Africa

He assured that “there will be no dismembering of the assets of the firms and then selling them differently, but the process will be similar to the sale of national fertiliser company in Onne, Rivers State, to global fertiliser giant, Notore