Browsing: Economy

Speaking at an audience with the outgoing Namibian High Commissioner to Nigeria, Selma Ashipala-Musavyi, Jonathan said that there was an urgent need for African leaders to move beyond declarations of support for greater intra-African trade and act in unison to overcome obstacles, which currently hinder economic relations between the nations and people of the continent

A statement by the company on Thursday said that the online advertising service company said it has done this through an improved ad serving technology to accommodate bigger campaigns

The senate had on Tuesday, read the bill for the second time and referred it to the Joint Committee on Appropriation and Finance, which is headed by Senator Ahmed Maccido, for further legislative action

Dr. Uduaghan, who stated this on Monday when he was conducted round the site by the Project Supervisor, Princess Abiodun Oyefusi, said on completion, the park would provide direct employment to over 5,000 persons in the state while others would get indirect employment from the various businesses that would spring up from the park’s operations