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The NGO has pioneered policies and partnerships that support investigations into the often unrealized economic and health restoration potential of traditional medicines. At the same time, BDCP has supported Nigerian scientists while raising the socio-economic profiles of the country’s traditional health practitioners

The incident brought government closer to the people; it highlighted the value of strategic institutions such as the National Emergency Management Agency, which deployed human and material resources nationwide, and worked with other agencies such as the Red Cross, the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps and the state governments to ameliorate the people’s suffering

They graphically, in details, with clips, pictures narrated how Joshua abuses women, whites, blacks, minors, choir members, sisters of same parents, wives of his workers and pastors, etc. Even Bisi confessed she was also mercilessly, thoroughly abused, used, manipulated and rendered useless by this man

Princess Oduah sent shock waves into the system when shortly on resumption, she stopped the exploitative collection of N2, 500 passenger service charge introduced unilaterally by the operators. Her mission to restore the aviation sector to its rightful place as a harbinger of economic progress was not open to negotiation

For Desmond to get this compensation to heal the physical and emotional wounds, for the nation’s institutions to imbibe a lesson on the respect the rights of everyone including Journalists, there is a duty on the part of the government to ensure that the police and GTB go through the pain of paying this penalty

One would have expected the miracle performed by Bi-Courtney at MMA2 to be replicated at GAT, but the Ministry of Aviation would not allow it. Instead, the government jettisoned the agreement it signed with Bi-Courtney and ignored the various court orders, even by the Court of Appeal, to begin the renovation of GAT

It is no news that over the years, the performance of the Nigerian budget has been far from desirable, as will be revealed by a cursory examination of relevant facts and figures. However, at a closer look, it is easy to see that we are on the path to recovery

What has changed that Turkey has become the puppet for imperial design to rip Syria apart so as to achieve two things: one to deprive Iran of an ally in the Middle East and two, to provide Israel the comfort of a weakened Iran and Hamas?