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My uneducated but education-conscious mother became my source of inspiration, urging me on even in the face of financial difficulties. Some few months after my secondary school education, my mother got worried why I had not got admission into higher institution of learning

Ndigbo have, for decades, expressed the desire and the thirst for the prime political office in this country. We have clearly shown, by oral advocacy, why we have that desire and thirst. Now we must take the forward steps in the direction of the oasis from which we hope to quench our thirst for justice and our desire for equity in Nigeria

Yes, you have stayed in that darkness for too long, lost all the hope, wasted a lot of time and resources, suffered, harassed, embarrassed and famished, but the light is now appearing in your situation. I command your day to break forth in the mighty name of Jesus! Let there be restoration in your life

The governor must be seen to be haughty, even imperious. He is authoritative, even authoritarian; decisive, even ruthless and strong, even invincible. These are the ingredients of cult personality. Some governors, as you move around the country, are manifesting a form of endowment with muscular virtues. Didn’t Governor Ikedi Ohakim beat a journalist and at another time a priest inside the State House?

Anybody still in doubt about the fact that there was a motive to discredit the performing Governor of Jigawa State should go back to the statement by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission and read it one more time. Apart from hinting that the young man was on a money-laundering mission for his father, it gave a further impression that the boy had been doing several trips overseas on money laundering on behalf of the governor

Why pray in the midnight? Midnight (or hours between 11.00pm and 3.00am) is known to be the most spiritual active period of the day. You will notice that dreams, revelations, attacks, visitations from the spirit world (both by angels and demonic powers) often come by this time, especially when you are sleeping.

A perceptible federal government should read the writing on the wall by ending this expensive jolly ride and refocusing the nation on the basic issues of security, the right to life and infrastructure. This constitution amendment has only succeeded in driving the country further apart.