The world would be a better place if we had more patient listeners. I want to ascribe intelligence and mental strength to great listeners. People who listen more to others are very wise and meticulous people.
They not only profile and weigh their audience or the speaker, but it affords the listener to access the speaker and form an impression of about them.
Who are you? Auditor, sedulous, heeding, always attentive?
By being a good listener, you get much more than being a big talker. You learn about other people and understand what makes them tick. Listening is an essential part of a good conversation. To listen well is a powerful means of influence as to talk well and is as essential to all true conversation.
For a fact if you want to know that someone is painstakingly attentive to you is when they do not interrupt your discussion but they follow up by asking questions and thereafter to get certain clarity about the discussion you are having.
A good conversationalist is someone who is thorough and not judgemental neither is the person taking sides.
There are so many break down in relationship today because either one, each or other parties are not keen listeners. Likewise in the work place today a factor of losses occur due to lack of listening attentively. When in a working environment when an employee fails to listen to simple instructions that employee will either get sacked or lose points.
There are seven types of listening skills as follows:
Information listening,
Discriminative listening
Biased listening
Comprehensive listening
Sympathetic listening
Therapeutic or emphatic listening
Critical listening.
Whatever kind of listener or category you fall among, my candid advice is that be the listener and talk less. By so doing, you learn more and faster, information are preserved, you relearn facts, and most importantly there exists an accord of symbiotic relationship and reasoning.