Browsing: jeff okoroafor

From 1960 till date, Africa has had close to 229 heads of states. Only less than 20 of that number can be said to be inspirationally transformative. What this means is that a vast majority of the leaders in Africa, from 1960 till date, completely failed their people and that a vast majority of the African people still lives under an explosive hardship. Out of over 1 billion people in Africa, only few are economically stable and can boast of three square meal a day – the number gets worst day-on-day

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, unemployment rate in the first quarter of last year, 2015, jumped to 7.5 percent, compared to 6.4 percent reached in the fourth quarter of 2014. Third quarter of same year, 2015, pegged it at 9.90 percent from 8.20 percent in the second quarter of same year. Today, according to Trading Economics, unemployment rate has risen to approximately 26.0 percent. On the economic growth rate, the NBS report of 2015 indicated that the real growth rate of the monetary value of all goods and services produced in the country during the period of 2015 slowed to 2.4 percent Y-o-Y, down from 4.0 percent in Q1, 2015 and 6.5 percent in Q2, 2014. Presently, the percentage growth rate of our economy is 2.8 percent or approximately 3.0 percent. Based on these criteria, it is safe to state confidently, that the country is not better off today as it was eight, nine months ago when Buhari took over