The concept marriage is a union between a husband and wife for the purpose of companionship and procreation in order to sustain the generation.
It normally comes with joy and expectations from both parties. However, when a marriage of any kind hits the rock, couples hardly remember their blissful day when they affirmatively work together for their mutual interest as husband and wife. Most at times, they resort to divorce as a solution.
Andechap Tsokwa Iliya in this report tries to find out whether or not divorce is an efficient solution to marriage problems.
Divorce according to the people interviewed exclaimed that it cannot be a solution to the problems which are always inevitably encountered in every marriage. They argued that a man who divorce his wife to marry another stands to encounter more problems as he would not know some of the things she is capable of doing until they marry.
Stressing the inefficacy of divorce in solving marital problem, they proved that marrying another wife would mean starting from the beginning again, advising that couples should try to understand each other.
Giving the Islamic position on divorce, a scholar said divorce will always pay a negative toll on the children as they will grow in a broken home. He further said that Islamically, divorce is allowed only if it becomes unavoidable and the only solution is divorce.
Abubakar Umar, discontented the idea of divorce as a solution to problems in marriage. Another respondent, Ali Marfi, said that with understanding of each other’s personality, there would always be a more amicable way of sorting out differences in every troubled marriage, rather than resorting to divorce.
Offering the Christian point of view on the issue, Pastor Victor Audu said that divorce was instituted in the Holy Bible by Moses because of the hardheartedness of the children of Israel at that time.
Quoting the gospel according to Matthew, he revealed that one is only allowed to divorce the other partner only but on the ground of marital unfaithfulness or unchastely. He further added that in such a case, none of such partners are permitted to remarry but are allowed to reconcile if they so wish.
Another respondent, a woman who also spoke on the issue, warned women not to ever make a move of divorcing their husbands and also advised couples to hold onto the covenant they took at marriage.
She also said that poverty is one of the major causes of divorce in many marriages and called on the government to provide employment opportunities so that families can be sustained. Divorce is not a solution to marriage problem but rather couples should sit down and know the roots of their problem and solve it.
Whether acceptable, unacceptable for relatively acceptable, divorce tears a family apart and this affects the children hence, the future of the society is also affected.