Whether we agree or not, sex plays a very important role in human life and relationships.
Sexual satisfaction in a romantic relationship has a lot of important implications. It can be associated with higher levels of love, commitment, stability in the relationship and a lower divorce rate. A lot of people view a happy sex life as very important to a successful relationship.
However, many couples struggle to maintain sexual satisfaction and this can negatively impact the overall relationship well-being and lead to conflict.
Study shows that not only do people with satisfying sex lives feel better about their relationships, they also have higher ratings of happiness and mental health. Several researchers found that people who report having a satisfying sex life also report feeling that their lives have more meaning.
It is important to note that building a great sex life takes more than being physically intimate in the moment. It is a result of the investment in your relationship over time. Couples who have a great sex life report being good friends to one another, being affectionate outside of the bedroom and making time to talk openly about sex.
One major thing that affects sexual satisfaction in a relationship is sexual compatibility. Sexual compatibility is much more significant in the well-being of a relationship than it is given credit for.
Human beings need sex, as sex is essential for our physical happiness. When couples are not able to fulfil each other’s sexual needs and desires, dissatisfaction in marriage/relationship will be the obvious result.
Sex is seen as an uncomfortable topic, So it is not surprising that people often minimise their sexual interests and the level of their libido, that is how much sex you want. No one wants to appear to be a sex-crazed pervert. So sex is considered a secondary or even tertiary concern, despite the fact it is among the very top reasons for marital discord and divorce.
Stigma and shame make people uncomfortable disclosing their sexual interests or level of desire. People will often go years, even decades, without disclosing a particular sexual fetish or “kink” to their spouse, and resigning themselves to a state of perpetual dissatisfaction.
Sexual compatibility is much more significant in the well-being of a relationship than it is given credit for. Human beings need sex. It is essential for our physical happiness. When couples are not able to fulfil each other’s sexual needs and desires, dissatisfaction in marriage is quite the obvious result.
But our society has made sex a taboo and couples find attributing sexual incompatibility as the reason for their divorce, embarrassing.
So why do we not prioritise sexual compatibility?
Sometimes it is not that couples are not compatible, rather it is more a function of miscommunication or a complete lack of it. Communication remains the only key to a fulfilling relationship.
You have to be willing to share your wants and desires, your kinks and your fetishes, with your partner. There is no way to have a fulfilling sex life if your partner is ignorant of what you want and crave, and you refuse to let them know.
Most people in loving relationships want their partners to be fulfilled, to be happy, and to be sexually satisfied. Most fears people have over disclosing sexual information turn out to be irrational. Speak up for yourself. Express your desires. Allow your partner to meet your needs.
Don’t hold back this weekend.
Have fun.
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#tiwa_says; 09032331388; tiwalolaoke@yahoo.com.