Hey, hope I’ve told you guys what Victor said was the Okafor’s theory?
According to him, this theory stipulates that once a guy and woman had been lovers, there’s a very high probability of them making love again after they had parted ways and got married to different spouses.
It could happen…whether they are married to another…single or otherwise.
This, he said, could happen whenever the ex-lovers meet again.
The bottom line here is that it can happen…
Wait a minute…it was not only Victor that said it O!
Another guy, Musa, buttressed the Okafor’s theory. I quote him: “Okafor’s theory says that a woman and man that had banged themselves seriously and satisfactorily, have a high possibility and probability of being banged again by the man or woman that gave him or her that sexual satisfaction!”
Do you agree with such a theory? I don’t! If you allow an ex-lover to bang you even once after you’ d both kissed each other goodbye, then don’t be surprised, he or she will eventually come back for another roll in the hay.
And before you know what is going on, the person will be back, demanding for a third term. Just like Oliver Twist.
But then in this world, many things are possible…some people cannot predict their sexual hormones. Many react to their ex-lovers in different ways.
Just as we have different faces, so also we have different slants on emotions and sexual chemistry.
Nobody should boast for a fact that he or she will not be caught doing this or that. Those who brag fall the hardest!
Sex is a power tool and it goes beyond mere biological expression and needs. Those who had at one time or another felt and experienced the humbling effect of sexual hunger and chemistry ought to relate with what I’m saying here. Sex is the only thing that can make a powerful person to bow…or love…depends on your slant like I said.
I guess it all has to do with the mind. Now, hold on please!
I’m not claiming to be a saint by that statement.
I have pride. Bucketful of it. I can’t stoop to accepting leftover or a second-hand guy. If a guy jilted me for another lady and later stages a return march from where he stopped…I will break his head!
Perhaps it’s far easier to bang an ex-lover if the lady or the guy is not married or involved in any serious relationship.
But ask yourself…is the fun worth the danger?
Once the guy sings Boys II Men “End of the road” to me, he wouldn’t dare mount me again, let alone to plant any of his yeye stem inside my garden.
But just per say he shows his two-timing face…I would gladly sing him, “You abandoned me, Love don’t live here anymore…there’s no vacancy…love don’t live anymore!”
Yeah…you like that, don’t you? Ha! Ha! Ha!
Two can play the game.
Love is not an excuse to start having something with an ex-lover whom you know has nothing to offer you, especially when you have someone new in your life.
Your loyalty now lays with the new lover in your life…some people said that they made love with their former lovers because they still loved the person.
So, tell me, who’s the fool here? Are you still going to allow you ex to get away with his cake and eat it still?
Please don’t tell me I have never been in love. I’ve been in love and guess what…it sucks!
I however do not belong to the bandwagon that does not believe in letting go of a dream on three legs.
Especially an impatient one. One who couldn’t wait to cross the threshold of my door in goodbye.
Why cry over him or her? If I tell you I don’t cry, I would be the biggest hypocrite alive.
I have cried many times over heart break. It has made me wary… so, go ahead. Love! Cry! But please snap out of it fast.
Life is for the living!
If an ex-lover comes back for a bang, find out what had happened to his/her new love. Is he/she just going to keep you as a spare tyre, while he/she is balling off your brains…? While you’re thrashing mindlessly on the bed, other serious intended spouses are slowly but irrevocably walking past that your shut bedroom door.
Think about that before you spread your legs wide for his ruthless entry. Think about that before you breathlessly flip out your angry, looking manhood to do some pleasurable damage to her wet honey.
Sometimes, you have to allow your head to rule your heart. Don’t allow yourself to be used.
Does this means once you’ve dated a guy or lady, you both can become platonic friends?
Okafor’s theory insisted that such closeness as past lovers could be very dangerous. I try to see it from his perceptive.
Okay, perhaps from talking, both of you will start holding hands. It could develop to kissing before you know it.
Ha!!! It has happened…it is happening even as we speak! This happens to mostly married couples, especially those going through turbulent periods in their marriages.
To be continued next week.
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