“Change does not begin with the average Nigerians. No, it begins with those who promised us ‘change’ a year ago… Lai Mohammed wants to push the responsibility of changing Nigeria to poor hapless people. It is an alibi being prepared for their government in case they end up with an F on their report card.”
The above excerpt was extracted from arrays of vitriolic attacks that greeted the latest cliche of the Federal Government that says that “the change we desire starts with us”. When I saw the news about another tea cup party or better put jamboree organized by the Minister of Communication in conjunction with National Orientation Agency and the message President Muhammadu Buhari had offered to Nigerians, I patiently and painstakingly read it over and over again.
Throughout those moments, two questions occupied my mind. And they are: Have we entered another “one chance”? Why changing the goal-post at the middle of the game? But each time the first question comes up, I battled so hard to smother it and obliterate the thought that this said change is nothing but a mere HOAX.
Talking about the second question that borders on changing the goal-post at the middle of the game. I will embellish that with some rhetorics. And they are: This government promised Nigeria school children free meal every school day without fulfilling it. How would that come to fruition if that change starts with me?
This government promised unemployed youths a stipend of about N5,000 monthly without fulfilling it. How would that come to fruition if that change starts with me? This government promised to generate three million jobs annually without fulfilling, but ironically monitored our teeming youths lost their jobs. How would that job provision come to fruition if that change starts with me?
They promised improvement in power supply but ironically it has dropped from 4,500 to between 2,000 and 2,500 mega watt. They promised robust and flourishing economy, but what we get now is an economy that is contracting by 2.3% and inflation-ladened economy which is as high as 17.1 per cent. Those saddled with the responsibility of spearheading over our economy have exhibited a high level of dereliction. How would we have a blossom economy if that change starts from me?
Still talking about shifting the goal-post, President Buhari said hitherto that the war against insurgency will not be said to have been won if our Chibok girls are not extricated from shackles and claws their abductors. Now the same President Buhari is singing in a discordant tune that Boko Haram has been technically defeated and decimated.
All the above are quintessential example of shifting the goal post at the middle of the game. Our leaders must learn how to keep to their words, especially those that pride themselves as men of integrity and probity.
I want to urge President Buhari and his team to fulfill their own part of the bargain of their social contract with Nigerians. PACTA SUNT SERVANDA. They should have a rethink about this shift of responsibility. It is better late than never. Shalom.
. Onyebuchi is a columnist, social crusader and public analyst.