Moving from dating to a relationship is somehow hard for so many people. They don’t know how to take the…
Browsing: Life and Style
First impressions still count when it comes to nailing the interview for that new position, but there are several…
Twins born in Indonesia and put up separately for adoption, have been reunited after finding each other living…
A nurse has recorded the most common regrets of the dying, and among the top ones is ‘I wish I…
The chaos of Nigeria’s largest city of Lagos gets boiled down to prose as a narrator notes “how unpretty” its…
Delivering on its promise to change the face of online dating in Nigeria by providing unique experience to love seekers,…
The only Google projects which – for now – are not affected by this extensive data collecting operation are the Google Wallet, Google Books and Chrome internet browser.
The interactive map will have additional layers, such as US domestic and worldwide terror data, US embassies and military installations around the world, weather conditions and forecasts, and video feeds from surveillance and traffic cameras.