Ossoff defeated incumbent Republican Senator David Perdue with a nearly 25,000-vote margin, or 0.56 per cent of the entire votes, with 98 per cent of the expected votes counted, NBC and ABC projected
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United States presidential aspirant, Senator Bernie Sanders, has suspended his campaign for the Democratic Party’s nomination for the November election.
US President, Donald Trump, is expected to declare the situation on the border with Mexico a national emergency, in a move that would grant him vast powers and would likely be contested in Congress and in the courts.
McCain, who was a leading conservative dissident within Trump’s Republican Party, died on August 25.
Stein initially filed for recounts in three states where the final margin for President-elect Donald Trump was narrow: Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania
According to the participants who were on the call, Clinton told her supporters on Saturday that her team had drafted a memo that looked at the changing opinion polls leading up to the election
He prophesied that the Republican candidate, Donald Trump will emerge if prayers are not offered to avert the victory
The protesters blasted Trump over the way he conducted his campaign, particularly his statements about immigrants, Africans, Muslims and other minority groups
Democrats had been hoping to wrest power from the Republicans, who ahead of the elections had held a 54-44 majority in the upper house, with two independents caucusing with Democrats
NAN reports that the US election is decided by the Electoral College made up of 548 persons and not a popular vote as it is obtained in most countries
The project, which is based on a weekly tracking poll of more than 15,000 Americans, shows that the 2016 presidential race could end in a photo finish on November 8, with the major-party candidates running nearly even in the Electoral College, the body that ultimately selects the president
A statement from Trump’s spokesperson cited by Washington Post and other US media, thanked Lewandowski for his hard work