Browsing: Bayelsa polls

The governor, who described the people of Bayelsa State as “worthy heroes of democracy that stood their ground against agents of darkness that were prepared to shortchange them by imposing a governor they do not want on them”, said Governor Dickson’s victory was another vindication of his prediction on 20 things to expect this year

The Police has commenced extensive security operations in the state, including the deployment of plain cloth detectives and surveillance helicopters for aerial patrols, while gunboats and speed boats will complement the Police Marine Unit to convey security personnel and election materials to riverine communities

A statement issued by the Director of Publicity of the Restoration Campaign Organisation, Jonathan Obuebite, said the APC has still not learnt any lesson from the incident because “Sylva and others were hell-bent on using the same federal institutions like the military, police, INEC to rig the election in Southern Ijaw”