Just recently, President Goodluck Jonathan landed in Israel for a two-day pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
According to the special programme designed for him, Jonathan observed the Sabbath Day at the Wailing Wall. And after private prayers, he went to Mount Tabor and Mount Carmel and other Christian holy sites. After these, he took part in a prayer session at an Interdenominational Church Service, with the topic: “A Day with Jesus for Nigeria in Israel.” High-ranking Nigerians joined him for the praying session for the well-being and prosperity of the nation during the pilgrimage.
But God is not a man that he be fooled by the foolishness of men. Neither is He stupid to be thrown into confusion by the unwarranted prayers of men. The big question is: “Is a Day with Jesus for Nigeria in Israel” the solution to our many problems? The answer is NO!
The truth is: Nigeria does not need such prayers because the answers to those prayers lie in our hands. We chose to make Nigeria not to be in good well being and also chose to make it not prosperous.
Everything about Nigeria was created perfectly by the Creator, but when He handed them over to us, we abused and bastardized them.
To avoid unnecessary complaints and grumblings from men, according to the Holy Bible, the creation lasted for six days, out of which the first five days were used to create everything man needed for survival and to live comfortably. Every nation in the world is blessed in one form or the other and has all it takes to take care of its inhabitants.
Nigeria is one of the countries in the world and not an exception to this. It is richly and stupendously blessed and arguably remains one of the most blessed countries in the world. The bulk of natural and mineral resources from both land and waters are there as proofs. Also, to avoid unwarranted complaints by Nigerians, God went ahead to satisfy us with good weather and climatic conditions that are also arguably one of the most suitable in the world.
The fact is, nature has never been unfair to Nigeria as compared to the experiences of other nations that suffer from one form of natural disaster or the other – earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanoes, among others.
Considering all of these, you will agree with me that Nigeria remains one of the best friends of nature.
To make sure that every inhabitant of Nigeria is prosperous and comfortable, we have Crude Oil – one of the world’s most valuable resources, as a huge source of income. Everything we so much need has been given to us by God. There is no reason to complain about any unwarranted issues.
All what is expected from us is to make prudent and diligent use of what He has given us and maximise our potentials to bring out the best from them. But the contrary is the case!
It is a pity and a disaster that we are one of the most blessed nations with all natural blessings at perfection yet have one of the world`s most impoverished citizens. Always disturbing God to give them what He already placed in their hands and to do for them what He already completed since creation.
Nigeria’s case can be likened to a case of a man who is not physically challenged in any form. God placed food and water on his table but yet keeps grumbling and complaining of hunger and praying to God to give him what to eat. What else does he want from God? It is left to him to decide if to eat or not and when to eat.
God owes us nothing. He perfectly handed wealth to us but our wickedness, greed and selfishness are denying us from enjoying this wealth. We have no justification to disturb God; it is our responsibility to be wise enough to ensure that everybody benefits from the wealth he has given to us.
What if we suffer from natural disaster(s)? What if we have no natural and mineral resources? What would have been our fate?
Probably we would have pulled down the heavens. We are devoid of natural disaster, but we created artificial disasters such as terrorism, corruption, bad governments among others for ourselves.
God will not come down to feed us. He will not come down to help us make judicious use of the wealth He already gave us. It is our duty to do what is right.
The number of religious centres in our country are increasing on a daily basis not because we intend to appreciate God for what He already did but to disturb and embarrass Him to do what he has already done.
Forget it, God will not come down to fight Boko Haram on our behalf. He will not move an inch to help us have stable electricity. God does not vote; hence, he will be not liable for the kind of leaders we choose for ourselves. God will not get down to fix our roads. Our educational system will not be revived by miracle. No amount of prayers can drive away hunger if we don’t make use of our wealth judiciously. Prayers don`t kill corrupt leaders, neither does it remove them from power. The fact is we will only get want we want when we work for them.
Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying prayers don’t work, but don’t pray when you’re supposed to work.
Moreover, it is high time we got to realise that God has played his parts, that the other parts of the responsibility lie on us and that we diligently stood up to our individual and collective responsibilities as a nation. There is no miracle out there that will bring greatness to a nation; we are to work to earn it without greed and selfishness. There are just no two ways about that! When we do these things, we wouldn’t longer have to embarrass God with our superfluous prayers yet be a great nation.
God owes us nothing. He has done so much for us as nation. What else do we want from Him?
You can follow Ogundana Michael Rotimi on Twitter at: @MickeySunny.