Nigeria has restated its commitment to work with all States that share its ideal of a world free of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.
Alex Ajayi, the Minister, Permanent Mission of Nigeria to the United Nations, delivered Nigeria’s statement at a debate on: “Elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance,” at the UN headquarters in New York.
Nigeria also said the elimination of discrimination, hatred and intolerance in any form, remains a top priority for the country.
Ajayi said: “Our Constitution prohibits any form of discrimination based on race, nationality, ethnic origin, or tribe.
“The Government of President Muhammadu Buhari has been unequivocal in its aversion to the idea of racial superiority. It is a repugnant notion that has no place in modern society.”
Nigeria condemned in the strongest terms all acts of religious hatred and incitement to discrimination, hostility and violence.
The statement said: “We call all States to take effective measures to outlaw discrimination on the basis of religion or belief.
“We condemn racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance against refugees and migrants.
“Nigeria is deeply concerned with the human rights violations that migrants and refugees are constantly exposed to, sometimes with the complicity of governments.
“We urge the transit and destination countries to treat migrants with dignity and respect regardless of their nationality and immigration status.
“We call on the international community to formulate a coordinated, holistic and rights-based response in tackling the root causes of migration and the vulnerability of migrants.”
It pledged to continue to show example in promoting values, norms and customs that exemplify tolerance of race, ethnicity, religious beliefs and social inclusion.
It expressed grave concern that in spite of concerted efforts made by the international community in combating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, considerable challenges still remain.
The country stressed the need to see a consensus on how the international community could ensure a world free of racism.
Nigeria strongly called for the universal ratification and the full implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.
It said the convention and the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action constitute the normative basis upon which international efforts to eliminate racial discrimination should be built.
It called for the full implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action saying it provided an effective platform to comprehensively address racism, racial discrimination and related intolerance.
The country restated its support for the International Decade for People of African Descent and its programme of activities, calling for the mainstreaming of agendas for women and girls of African Descent in the political and socio-economic spheres of national life.
Nigeria said it welcomed the global campaign proposed by the Secretary-General to counter xenophobia.
It expressed satisfaction that concrete measures, including legislative, national action plans and public policies are being taken to improve the human rights situation of people of African descent in a number of countries worldwide.
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