Brush your teeth everyday and your confidence will be felt by everyone around. That is how comfortable you feel each morning when you brush your teeth. Everyone each day engages in the routine of teeth brushing, with different brands of tooth pastes, mouth washes and tooth brushes, all in a bid to ensure oral health, brighter teeth and fresh breath.
Before the popularity of toothpaste and brush, Africans uses “pako”. The content of the chewing stick has a composition of bacteria fighting chemicals that when used as chewing stick to clean the gum and teeth, it has the same dental hygiene as any other good brands of toothpaste.
In caring for your mouth care, do not forget to carefully scrape the tongue. A small amount of toothpaste and brush in a downward motion starting at the back of the tongue will remove harmful bacteria from your mouth and prevent bad breath. Rinse your mouth out with water or mouthwash after your tongue is clean. Remember with a perfect mouth care you will ultimately have a clean breath and you can be sure to keep your friends because bad breathe will keep you out of friends.
The nose is the body’s primary organ of smell and also functions as part of the body’s respiratory system. Air comes into the body through the nose. As it passes over the specialised cells of the olfactory system, the brain recognizes and identifies smells.
How do you care for your nose knowing that it often has discharge, which is natural to everyone? There are also hairs growing inside the nose. Just like the time and energy you place on your teeth, the same care is needed for the nose to keep it clean.
Observe that your nose can smell. If you do not spend time to clean it, dry mucous that is not cleaned out with wet clean white clothe will stink and cause you embarrassment.
Stand in front of a mirror trim out coarse, unruly hair overgrowing from your nose. Invest in a nose blade or scissors so you can conveniently shave the nose hair. As the hair on other part of your body grow, that is how the hair on the nose grow and grey. Do not be caught well dressed in an expensive designer apparel then be seen with a sticking out nose grey hair.
Ensure to clean your nose daily by blowing out any nasal accumulation and keep nose hair trimmed.
A tasty meal can be eaten by anyone who has great appetite, especially when the aroma sends a mouth watery signal. But do you know that when a meal is cooked by a person spotted with dirty finger nails, no one will be willing to eat such meal on account of the dirty nails?
Nails are healthier when it is kept short, cuticle trimmed and filed. There are nails on your fingers and on your toes, it is very important to always clean your finger nails and toe nails so that they can look attractive and prevent fungus infections of the nail.
Desist picking your nose, black heads and pimples with your nails. Germs will be trapped under your nails. As a beautiful woman, after using the convenience, wash your hands thoroughly and examine for excesses and wipe on clean dry clothes.
As a woman who enjoys fixing extensions, make sure to keep your nails moderate in length and in colour. This will keep your fingers and hand looking cute.
Apply cream on your feet so that it will appear shinning, smooth and soft. When your foot is creamed, apply nail coats. As a woman, you can use any colour of your choice, but as a man, use transparent nail coats as fungus treatment for your nails. Scrub your feet with stone scrub so that your feet can remain silky and clean giving it a perfect look for any foot wear you desire to fit on.