A woman’s breast is one thing men can’t keep their eyes off. Breasts have titillated the senses of men from the beginning of time.
A study has shown that attractiveness in a woman is more strongly influenced by her breast than her buttocks.
Yes, the breasts have always been a source of nutrition for babies, yet they also have a strong sexual appeal for men. It is a general belief that men like big breasts, but most men prefer medium-sized breasts. Although men with several sexual partners may be attracted to bigger breasts. Bottom line, men love breasts, size regardless.
It is interesting to note that researchers have found that wealthy men prefer a small package, while men with less financial stability gravitate towards larger breasts… hmmm… I wonder if Nigerian men were included in that research.
There’s also evidence to prove that staring at a woman’s breast is a sure way to achieve a positive mental attitude, relieve stress and can even increase a man’s life span… just make sure the “boob gazing” is with consent o!
I think there’s something remarkably soothing about a woman’s breast, maybe because it subconsciously reminds a man of the bond between a mother and her child. After all, men are big babies.
When a man sees, touches, sucks or massages a woman’s breast, it sparks the same series of brain events as nursing… it gives that soothing and relaxing feeling, while also sexually arousing him.
All these benefits are not only for the man. The woman also has a lot to gain from the touches and caresses and even the sucking of her breast. A pair of breasts that is frequently touched and sucked is a healthy pair of breasts. Some women can even have an orgasm when their breasts are fondled and sucked.
So, on behalf of women, I’m using this opportunity to tell the men that we do like the attention on the breasts.
We only wish you could learn more about the “art of breast sucking”… yes it is an “art”… topic for another day.
Enjoy the weekend.