The Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC) is not averse to the proposed National Conference (or Dialogue) proposed by President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, in view of the myriad of challenges the country is presently battling against. The essence of any government is to meet the aspirations of the people and, since an evident majority of Nigerians are clamouring for the Conference to hold, so be it. However, we insist that it be convened and conducted in the spirit of oneness of the nation and with intent of moving the nation forward. And the outcome of the Conference must represent the best wishes of the average Nigerian.
While the Congress commends the calibre of most of the people that have so far been chosen to be members of the Conference Advisory Committee, we also feel that it is important the organised labour, TUC and Nigeria Labour Congress, be involved. We advise all such persons and the would-be delegates not to denigrate or digress from the key issues and to relate harmoniously with one another. As Nigerians they must work together to achieve the common goal of our cohesion and collective development.
The Congress anticipates that issues to be discussed at the Conference include the basis of our unity and existence as a nation, the system of government and the power-sharing formular, our geopolitical and fiscal federalism, citizenship, the electoral and representative system, the cost of governance, security, corruption, boundary adjustment and foreign policy, freedom of faith and other fundamental human rights. Similarly we charge the delegates to conscientiously consider and take unequivocal resolutions on our economy and the poverty index, our roads and other means of transport, as well as electric power, education and health sectors, etc.
Nigerians expect the delegates to be mindful to display requisite broadmindedness and statesmanship in their dealings at the Conference. Thus, in the spirit of give-and-take, they must observe the appropriate delicate balance between eloquent expression of the opinions of their constituents and appreciating the viewpoints of others. Tolerance and understanding are the watchwords, and it is our hope that the unity of the country would be held sacrosanct throughout and at the end of the Conference.
We also call on the Federal Government to demonstrate utmost good faith towards the Conference and its success. Each of the constituents of the Nigerian polity should have equitable representation of its own choice at the Conference, and the delegates should be allowed to speak their minds freely and candidly. On its part the Government should make the needed funds, logistic and other pre-requisites available to the Conference.
The Congress acknowledges that certain persons have expressed fear that the Conference is a ploy for the balkanization of the country. Some others have suggested that it has other negative political and/or religious undertones. We sincerely hope these fears are unfounded and do implore the government to prove them untrue, even as we appeal to Nigerians to give the government the benefit of doubt. History abounds with cases of nations that have held successful sovereign national conferences, and there is no reason why Nigeria cannot accomplish the same feat and be stronger for it.
Lastly, we earnestly advise the government and all Nigerians to respect the decisions reached at the Conference. All such decisions should be implemented as the will of the people. Nigerians still have very fresh memories of previous failed attempts at holding similar conferences and/or implementing the decisions of same, the most recent example being the Constitutional Conference convened in 2005 by the Obasanjo-led administration. We agree with the widely-held opinion that Nigerians have never lacked the ability and willingness to amicably jaw-jaw and make a success of any conference such as the proposed one. Rather the problem has always been the insincerity of the leadership of the day and its reluctance to accept and implement the content of conference white papers and address the issues holistically. We would like to see the present administration led by President Goodluck Jonathan proving itself positively different in this wise.
The National President of the Trade Union Congress, Comrade Bobboi Bala Kaigama, and the Secretary General, Barrister Musa Lawal, signed the statement on behalf of the TUC.
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