However, Okonjo-Iweala said the position was not an indictment of Jonathan as a person but the situation that surrounded the inability of the government to save
Browsing: Dr. Ngozi Okonjo_iweala
The conference, which was hosted by the World Health Organization Regional Offices for Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean in conjunction with the African Union Commission, was the first-ever ministerial-level gathering with a singular focus on ensuring that children across the continent can get access to life-saving vaccines
“Dr. Okonjo-Iweala’s claim that I own the Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) is far-fetched and laughable.
These elements have now made a habit of making false allegations against Dr Okonjo-Iweala whenever she receives any national or international recognition for her work. The pattern is clear and Nigerians should be alert to it. But Dr Okonjo-Iweala will not be intimidated from going on with her life and performing her duties. She will not give in to cowardly and unmanly bullying
1. Edo State Civil Servant salaries: It is well known that as governor, Adams Oshiomhole is in complete control of…
“The Minister of Finance cannot stop at simply shedding crocodile tears about fraudulent claims by oil marketers. Having found her voice, thanks to the fear of Gen. Buhari, it is very necessary that Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala takes one more crucial step at full disclosure
It is amazing – and even offensive – that it took a major scandal such as the allegedly missing $20 billion from the coffers of NNPC as well as the Pwc audit report to open the eyes of many to the same issue that Madam Iweala has been singing about for years. Of course, NNPC is in dire need of reforms, but let us not be so distracted by all the hype and buzz this news is creating and lead ourselves in the erroneous belief that it is NNPC alone that must be dealt the firm hand of reformation. These same people who now clamour for its reform should also speak on the reform of Customs, since it is a huge money generator for government
Okonjo-Iweala was said to be using her federal might to preserve his father’s throne, having been jolted by a court order granted in 2008, restraining her father, his heirs and privies from harassing, intimidating and assaulting a contending family to the throne, the Umudei Royal Family