Author: Akpandem James

Nigeria’s petroleum products terminals have become one veritable minefield where corporate fortune seekers and mercantile wayfarers have decided to stubbornly pitch their tents. The number of agencies involved in activities at the terminals is just mindboggling; and they operate with impunity, defying lawful directives forbidding them.

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The Catholic pontiff talked about the pride-filled clergy, which has become like a pandemic across creeds. He warned that pride and self-interest are harmful to the spiritual lives of church leaders and consequently corrupts the church’s purpose. He was worried that this unbecoming attitude is capable of tainting the church. Even as the warning is being delivered, the deed has already been done.

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The reason the Niger Delta region has remained underdeveloped till today in spite of the huge resources pumped into the area by the various governments, intervention agencies, international oil corporations, oil services companies, development partners, global foundations, other corporate entities, wealthy individuals and community development efforts etc., is simply because the people are more inclined towards defending selfish and parochial indulgences than insisting on fundamental growth and development.

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Last year however, it came with some inexplicable vehemence. It came with a list of some of the most illustrious sons of the state, cutting them down in its haste and fury. It was such haste that left the people wondering if it was in a hurry to catch up with the receding year; a year that would be remembered as one which counted the most deaths in contemporary history, across the globe.  

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