Is it right to reprove Church leaders when they err in the conduct of their sacred duties as mouthpieces of God?
Browsing: Men of God
One thing that interests me about this challenge between these pastors and the native doctors is that both sides are making references to the fire of God. The men of God, as usual, threaten to call the fire to destroy the idols, shrines, mammy water and the demons working with the dibias. And the witch doctors boasted that that cannot happen, that the pastors do not have such powers.
Naturally, his manhood…which had already put out all its sinews, wilted in shock! If manhood could look embarrassed, the pastor’s surely looked embarrassed…it dropped, with its one eye, dropping its head…looking at the floor
Seems to me that the more churches/mosques mushroom every day, in every cranny and corners, ministers of God seem to wax randy and randier and randiest