Browsing: Gabriel Agbo

When God met Moses in the wilderness, through the burning bush, to commission him for the operation ‘Come out of Egypt’, He had to introduce Himself to Moses. Yes, that might not be the first time Moses was hearing about God of Israel (remember the Jews are very good at transferring their history to the younger generations through the oral tradition), but because of the nature and the level of this particular assignment, God came in a very spectacular, special and convincing way to put His ‘divine signature’ to that mother- of-all-assignments. The burning bush, the warning not to come close, the instruction to remove his sandals, and then the ultimate bombshell, “I am the God of your ancestors – the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” Wow

Sure, these are entities put in place by God to influence the affairs and destinies of men. So, when they go off for any person or people, the consequences are always terrible, even disastrous

There is an imminent solution coming your way. As you digest this timely message, expect the power of God to bring about a new dawn in your life. You will agree with me that these are very trying times. Individuals, groups, corporations and nations are really struggling, amongst other problems, to get out of economic, political and security challenges. Some of these problems have also proved unsolvable and protracted; defying all known human solutions

Some live close to the blessing, but unfortunately languish in penury, pain and sorrow. Yet, some do everything that is expected of them, but have their dreams aborted at the point of breakthrough