Like the back of our hands, we all know the characteristics of the mind. We are aware of its rabid and insatiable inclinations. It compares to a monkey that continues to hop about seeking pleasure from one object and the other, yet nothing has ever satisfied the mind or will ever satisfy it for too long
Browsing: David
My God! One sin will always lead to another. Sin begets sin. Unrighteousness begets unrighteousness. That is why you must not take the first wrong step. If you do, you will definitely need many more wrong steps to cover it up and that will ultimately lead you an irreversible point of regret and destruction. When you are doing the wrong thing at the wrong time the result will also always be wrong and painful.
I have to prepare the case and choose statements that will grant me the kind of order I am requesting from the court. Yes, the judge must have had a foreknowledge of the case through the court forms and statements sent to him or her before hearing date
Writing on a subject or title like This Life is like attempting to put the vast ocean into a tea cup… This life is so vast and so encompassing that no piece of article as the one I am embarking upon now will suffice. But I have decided that I will be taking you my reader on a walk and along the way we shall be talking about This Life!