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Before the internet age, an editor in the traditional media had the power of “life and death” over a copy and even the writer in a newsroom. Editors of those years exercised enormous powers, as a matter of fact. They also wielded great influence; a fact that still remains indisputable. The reality today may have placed a limitation on the powers of an editor but the fact remains that an editor still wields a significant amount of power anywhere and everywhere. This is exactly what The POWER of an EDITOR, an instructional and educational hand book for media practitioners and students by Charles Kalu, establishes. 

Ajagunla Ring was chronologically sequenced. Twenty-five years after the demise of Ajagunla, the stool remained vacant and the search to fill it became imperative. While Fasakin felt he was supposed to be the chief by all standards, the kingmakers looked elsewhere to find Kolade. Kolade had been a cheerful giver and philanthropist who built the hospital in the village and spent money for all and sundry.

Such a person would no doubt be excited and in fact enriched by the new offering, which comes from the depth of the author’s heart as the encounters he has had in his eventful journey in the field of journalism, spanning over two decades. These include not only with members of his family and friends, but thorough-bred achievers who have widened his professional horizon in more ways than one.

Furthermore, the book “highlights the pathway to success, through the experiences of some accomplished Nigerians, who operate in different spheres of our society”. Besides, the book takes a look at a wide spectrum of achievers; from businessmen and women, lawyers, human rights activists through entertainers to top journalists, sportsmen, preachers, to the big players in the nation’s hospitality industry.