“And He changes the times and the seasons” (Daniel 2:21 NKJV). Life is made up of dual seasons. There is this duality in every one’s life.
A sort of two seasons that interchange at God’s timing. This duality is seen in most peoples lives in scriptures.
This duality is explained in Ecclesiastes 3: 1-5. Let’s read it together. You will see this dual seasons in many people’s lives in scriptures.
1. For Abraham, there was a season of barrenness and a season of birth of Isaac
2. For Israel, there was a season of famine and a season of rain (1 kings 17 & 18)
3. For Jacob, there was a season of crookedness and a season of encounter
4. For Isaac, there was a season of famine and a season of abundance (Genesis 26)
5. For David, there was a season of battle and a season of enthronement.
But It seems like God’s approach to season changes work in opposite direction to man’s approach.
In Mark 4:35, the bible says (Note the phrase): “In the evening.” Not in the morning or in the afternoon, but in the evening – suggesting that God can change seasons at any time. Age doesn’t limit God. Time doesn’t limit God. Cultural background or nationality or educational background or any other man made indices don’t limit God. Whether you are 80 or 20, when there is a need for it and when God’s perfect time has come, and most importantly, as long as you are in His will, your season can change.
And as the Lord has told me, He is changing seasons for a lot of His children in this second half of the year. See Daniel 2:21 again: “He changes times and seasons.” I decree a change of season for you in the mighty name of Jesus. You are moving into a season of rest, new glories, new blessings, new favour, new doors, new opportunities, greater influence for God, higher depth of love for God, expansion on the right, expansion on the left—shall be your portion.
But you will note that in Mark 4 verse 35, Jesus said: “Let US cross over to the other side.” The word “US” is extremely critical. It speaks to relationships. But this time around, not just any relationship, but a relationship with Jesus. In other words, Jesus and the Apostles were in a relationship prior to Him approving them for a change of season. A lot of Christians are tied down to the same spot, crying to God for a change of season and nothing seems to he happening.
But in reality, some or many are not really saved. They are only religious. There is no relationship with Jesus. He doesn’t know them. They call him Lord, Lord but He doesn’t know them. Relationship is the greatest platform for a change of seasons. Even in the natural world, every single person that had their seasons changed belong to an association. They know someone to whom they ate committed. Some belong to occultic societies. Some belong to political groups. They are loyal to a relationship, and consequently, those relationships changed their seasons. They became richer or stronger because they are now in a relationship with a powerful man or with a powerful group. Can you change from an undergraduate to a graduate in a university without being enrolled in that university and fulfilling all the terms? No one will change your academic season if you are not in any relationship with them. How much more would it be easier to experience a change of seasons when in active relationship with the king of kings and the Lord of Lords?
Look at the scriptures and tell me anyone God changed their season who had no relationship with God. Jabez, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Peter, Zechariah, David or who? In this teaching, mark 4:35 is talking about our relationship with Him. And that’s the greatest platform for change of seasons. As important as other types of relationships are, none comes close to your relationship with God. Are you truly saved? Does Jesus know you? Let’s settle this matter once and for all. Jesus said: My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me (John 10:27 NKJV).. Are you a sheep or a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Do you belong to the, “US” as Jesus mentioned in Mark 4:35.
Dr. Akerele, a leadership and system development strategist and minister of the word holds a doctorate degree in employee turnover and human capital development from the prestigious Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University, Scotland. He is also a public speaker with twelve books to his credit. He is based in Canada and can be reached at: ayoakerele2012@gmail.com.